What is SAMA Cyber Security Framework?

An organization’s data must be protected from both threats and vulnerabilities, which is why cyber security is essential. Cyber security encompasses a wide range of resources, including regulations, ideas, protections, standards, risk management approaches, activities, mentoring, best practices, guarantees, and technologies. To that end, we’ll shine a spotlight on the SAMA cyber security structure, the most widely used framework of its kind in Saudi Arabia. 


SAMA cybersecurity framework is mainly used by financial institutions like banks, insurance companies and financing companies and credit bureaus. This cybersecurity model is both all-encompassing and structured, spreading vital cybersecurity ideas and goals that every regulated institution must comprehend and attain. Risk Management and Compliance, Leadership and Governance, Operations and Technology, and Third-Party Factors are the four key aspects of cybersecurity.

Auuditr’s SAMA Cyber Security Framework is one way the company assists clients in becoming more cyber resilient. Consultants from Auuditr will work with your businesses to create a standardized control framework that can be used as a checklist to record and evaluate all important controls moving ahead.

Clear Understanding of SAMA Cyber Security

In today’s highly connected world, people anticipate nothing less than a seamless service experience, 24/7 service availability, and rigorous security for all their personal information. Both governmental and corporate institutions, as well as society as a whole, increasingly place a high strategic value on their data resources and online services. They’re also growing in systemic significance for the economy and national security generally. This further highlights the importance of protecting private information and financial transactions to maintain public trust in the Saudi financial system as a whole.

The SAMA Cyber Security Framework is an all-inclusive model that incorporates the most useful features of other frameworks and regulations, such as PCI DSS, NIST, and ISO 27002. Organizations can better manage and protect themselves from the ever-increasing variety of cyberattacks by adopting the measures outlined in the Security Framework. 

All Member Organizations, including Financial Institutions, subject to regulation by SAMA, must adhere to the Compliance Standard and Framework. Financial institutions that are based in Saudi Arabia are included in this category.


Auuditr’s SAMA Cyber Security Consultation Service

The experts at Auuditr can help you streamline compliance by learning about your unique company procedures and setting. We’ll evaluate your present level of SAMA CSF compliance and pinpoint any security control, system, or environment deficiencies with the SAMA CSF compliance criteria with the help of our experienced team. We use the SAMA Cyber framework to do an in-depth risk assessment to locate potential entry points for hackers to use to steal sensitive information.

Consultants from Auuditr will collaborate with you to develop and implement a comprehensive set of cyber security protocols that adhere to the SAMA Cyber Security Framework. Future usage training modules will also be suggested. After a suitable amount of time has passed, Auuditr’s professionals will perform an audit of your infrastructure to check that all measures have been put into place and to look for any discrepancies with the predefined SAMA CSF rules and procedures.

Auuditr Provides the Following Solutions

  • Analyze the Member Organizations’ cyber security measures and determine their maturity level and efficiency.
  • Ensure your internet services and data are safe at all times.
  • Assess your system’s weak spots and conduct penetration tests regularly.
  • Construct a unified strategy for dealing with cyber issues among the Member Organizations.
  • Apply the risk assessment procedures outlined in the SAMA Cyber Security Framework.
  • Guarantee Member Organizations are effectively managing cybersecurity threats.