Services Offered by Auuditr


In the service industry, where the world relies heavily on online payment, both the industry and the customers need a secure transaction to utilize the fruits of the services successfully.
We are Auuditr

Understanding PCI DSS:

In the service industry, where the world relies heavily on online payment, both the industry and the customers need a secure transaction to utilize the fruits of the services successfully. It’s not just about winning the customers’ trust but also building an organization that stays true to its mission and grows in the market as a reliable service provider.

We are committed to providing the solutions to your secure payment needs by using techniques like:

Firewalls installations and upkeep
Securing servers, network devices, applications, access points and all communication within the organization
Securing customer’s payment information which is the most valuable asset for online businesses, through various solutions
Securing POS systems, terminals, servers and other devices with anti-virus solutions
Access control management that is thorough and restricts the information on a need-to-know basis or to the job roles
Tracking the flow of information within and outside networks through different graph servers or other technologies in the market
Controlling tangible and intangible access to the information
Regular testing of the security systems
Vulnerabilities management program to keep track of the weak areas within the digital environment of the organization
Furthermore, we offer continual management and improvement of the PCI DSS controls that will keep the processes of your organization updated and compliant.
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