Our Services

We provide solutions for


Auuditr helps you grow your company, with the help of SOC1/SOC2 processes, to new heights. We are proud to say that our team of auditors…

ISO 27001

Auuditr understands your needs when it comes to ISO 27001 implementation. We offer you various services to achieve full compliance with ISMS. Learn more.


Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is the federal law that protects patient data. Auuditr understands that the definition and implementation of…


Auuditr, with its team of experts, is here to crack the complex requirements of PCI DSS and help you implement the security you need to…


Auuditr offers the services of its experts to help you build a management system that is seamlessly integrated with data protection and security, which is…


NESA, or National Electronic Security Authority, is entitled by the UAE law to take measures for developing and implementing Cyber Security. NESA has 188 controls…
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